Our core business, training and development of skills of student, is equally well applied to our own staff, who are clearly at the centre of our human resources policy. More concretely, this policy rests on 2 complementary pillars that are the development of skills and the social dialogue.

Skills Development

Our approximately 2,500 collaborators, the vast majority of which is composed of teachers working within the Eduservices schools, are a real asset. As such, they benefit from a Workforce and Competency Planning and Development tool (GPEC), one of the engines being the internal training from the Eduservices Academy. In addition to the GPEC manage professional development, geographic mobility and performance evaluation.

Social Dialogue

The development of skills is effected through a balanced social dialogue, the main subsidiaries of Eduservices with their own representations of the staff and/or trade union (Company Committees, Delegates of the staff, union representatives, CHSCT) and of the Group Committee.